Radishes, Arugula, Asparagus and Spinach

The spring crops have started to roll in from our greenhouse! Here’s a little harvest Myrah and I did yesterday morning for a potluck we attended. The asparagus has been slow to start but is growing well now and we’re picking a few pounds each day. Radishes are *just* starting, there will be more forContinue reading “Radishes, Arugula, Asparagus and Spinach”

Leeks Peeking!

A couple years ago, Mom recorded a really cute video of Myrah inspecting her onion trays and exclaiming “onions peeking!”. We’ve got onions, and more obviously, leeks peeking out now: Yum, yum, yum! Makes me dream about next season’s Potato & Leek soup, Cock-a-Leekie Pie, and grilled leeks on the BBQ. We’re growing half asContinue reading “Leeks Peeking!”