
Brown Sugar Produce is located just outside of Rivers Manitoba in the heart of the prairies.  The farm was started by Stephanie Dillon in 2001 and is now run by her daughter Teri Jenkins with husband Jon, daughter Myrah (2017) and another farm baby arriving in spring 2024. 

We supply families with veggies on a weekly basis through our Veggie Lovers’ Club CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs in Brandon and Rivers. 

CSA is a connection between our farm and your family, where we commit to growing your veggies for the season, and you commit to picking up a bag of fresh vegetables each week.
For more info about our 2024 CSA, please click here!

For those outside our CSA programs we offer weekly produce pickups in Rivers and occasional pickups in Brandon throughout the growing season.  Visit our Shop to register 

Brown Sugar Produce
Teri Cell (204) 901-2800

Find our online store here: https://brown-sugar-produce.localline.ca/

For 5 years we worked with Janelle Lach and she has now started her own veggie-growing business, serving Plumas, Neepawa, and Minnedosa. Find Janelle’s produce here: https://maddogproduce.ca/

If you are looking to connect with Stephanie Dillon you can reach her at stephanie@brownsugarproduce.com