June 20 Share Contents & CSA FAQs

Our 24-Week CSA members begin pickups on Thursday June 20th. Here’s what’s planned to be in the bag this week: Carrots, small bunchRadishes, bunchLettuce Mix, 1/2 lb 0.7 lbChoice of Baby Dill or Cilantro, small bagGreen Shallots, small bunchPea Shoots, small bag *Choice of Chard or Kale was initially on this list, but we movedContinue reading “June 20 Share Contents & CSA FAQs”

Countdown ’til Veggies!

Pickups begin for our 24-Week Brandon Members on Thursday June 20th – just under 2 weeks away! We had hoped to start rolling a bit earlier, but it’s been cool and wet (yay!!) so things are going to be ready just in time this year. Rivers 16-Week members begin pickups on Wednesday June 26th andContinue reading “Countdown ’til Veggies!”

Snow Day!

It’s currently snowing out, so I’m sharing some photos of earlier in the week when it was beautiful instead! Things have been going really well this spring thanks to the mild weather and all the rain we’ve had. Typically Jon is running around on irrigation duty full-time while I try to transplant and keep upContinue reading “Snow Day!”

Planting Time!

It’s planting time! There was a break between rains on the weekend, so we got the first 2 lettuce plantings transplanted out in the main field. We’ve never grown lettuce in this field before but the space there was ready so that’s where it went. It meant Jon had to move some of our lettuceContinue reading “Planting Time!”

April: The Waiting Month

Hi Veggie Lovers! I always call April “the waiting month” because we’re full to the brim with spring energy and it’s usually just not quite time to start the things we’d like to. We have an extra arrival that we’re waiting for this year, so to me it feels like time is c.r.a.w.l.i.n.g slowly by!Continue reading “April: The Waiting Month”