Stinging Nettle Mac & Cheese


Jon made supper the other night and it was delicious!  Mac & Cheese with roasted root veggies (beets, carrots, parsnip, potatoes)  Hot Italian sausage from Luna Field Farm, sauteed mushrooms and stinging nettle with peas.  Let’s call it Manitoba Spring Carbonara.  The nettles add a complex woodsy savoury flavour to dishes like this, not to mention a lot of nutrition and even protein (more than beans!).

I don’t often follow recipes and prefer to use what the season and fridge has to offer, but this is a good trick for making two meals at once:  Meal #1 was a large pan of roasted root veggies (carrots, parsnips, beets, potatoes) and mushrooms.  Cooked 6 sausages on top of the veggies and roasted in the oven at 425 for about an hour.  This left us with some veggies and 2 sausages left over.  The next night, Jon used the leftovers to make this.  You could easily make a simple cheese sauce with pasta, or take a shortcut and use White Cheddar Mac & Cheese out of a box (surely loaded with preservatives and junk, but we do enjoy this occasionally and we’re not purists!).  Just use whatever veggies you have on hand and follow the seasons.  This makes the second meal really quick and it also makes it feel like you’re not eating leftovers!

For more nettle recipes, Click here!

Check back soon for my nettle pesto recipe, which I am planning to make in the next few days!