Stinging Nettles

Nearly a full year has passed since my first blog post, which was about Stinging Nettles!

I have been watching and waiting for the nettles to be ready, and deemed them “ready” this morning as I carefully walked the woods looking for these tasty shoots.

Yes, stinging nettle is a weed.  Yes, it really does sting!  But those stinging plants pack a healthy punch, and besides that, the most important thing, the reason we do what we do: THEY TASTE DELICIOUS!  I like to think that as the most important quality of the food that we grow.  It has to taste good, otherwise why bother?

Trust good ol’ Mother Nature to craft these yummy greens, the earliest greens of spring by far!

So thrilled to be back in nettle harvest mode.  It allows me long walks in the woods staring down at the forest floor, listening to birds and observing other animals.  I think about all the things we need to do with the farm and how busy we’re going to be, and enjoy the moment before the shit hits the fan (this moment: right now!!)
It’s my spring meditation!

Click the link below to read more about them:

Stinging Nettles: A Spring treat and so much more! Recipes and Info